I gave a looksee at the website, and sure enough it turns out to be a "sustainable" boutique based in Toronto, Canada that focuses on locally produced, renewable clothing.
I dropped a quick note to the purchaser, owner of Heart on Your Sleeve, Natalie Stephenson, regarding what she intended to do with the stickers. Turns out, she's going to hand them out to people who shop at her boutique with each receipt, asking them to spread the word, in that people who shop at her store are likely to be the best placed to help evangelize.
What it comes down to is that Natalie is helping to turbocharge the concept of "it only takes one."
That is, a single sticker in the right place at the right time, gets the message in front of someone who can really do something to move the message on its way.
Natalie's doing her part to spread the word not just to individuals, but people who themselves are well placed to broadly spread the message. And that's pretty great.